Monday, February 18, 2013

Thing #12

THING #12, Google uses

I have explored all of the four newly introduced web tools and I know I will find great use for two of them: and  I used to use the translator from very often when I took college Spanish.  I am no longer taking any Spanish courses; however, there are times when I want to sound just a bit more intriguing and mysterious during a texting conversation or a blog, so I will add a sentence or two in Spanish.  If someone responds, it means that they cared enough about what you had to say to actually look up the meaning of your cryptic message.  Of course, the translator is a great way to introduce a different culture and language into your lectures during some leisure time or for a multi-culture activity.  It adds and extra ingredient of fun to the educational value or a lecture.  In addition to using the translator to add some exotic flavor to your classroom recipe, there may come a time where you are faced with a foreign student who only speaks Spanish or another foreign language.  Google’s translator, or any other translating website, will prove extremely useful and pertinent to communicating to those students.  Another website that I will thoroughly enjoy is Google’s alert widget.

I find use in this web tool because I like to keep abreast of the most current rumors and facts of my favorite athletes (Michael Vick, Derrick Rose, Rudy Gay etc.).  In addition, I can keep up to date with the latest information on education occupations and tools to aid in education.  It should be important for any future employee of a specific field to want to stay updated on the progress and newly explored ideas of that field.  Therefore, it is satisfying to link education and Tennessee in my news feed alerts.

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